Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Essential Enablers for Business Growth

Why is it that some companies are birthed and grow very quickly and successfully, seemingly overnight, while other organizations either putter along or slowly die? There are certain fundamental things that enable the growth of organizations and often it is not an obvious thing.

So what are some things that can enable the growth of an organization?

• Having a Clear Vision

This might seem obvious to some but it is not an uncommon thing for organizations to get so busy with the day-to-day that they lose sight of who they are and what it is they are trying to accomplish. Having a well written vision statement that is displayed throughout the organization is one way to help keep that focus.

• Having a Strategy to Achieve the Vision

Planning is one of those exercises that people either love or hate to do. But a well thought out and written strategic plan is imperative for organizations who are trying to move forward. Strategic planning processes are intended to stop the organization for a time and really think through where they are and where it is they are trying to go. It also helps keep the organization from veering off into areas that may not line up with the vision.

• Staying Current with Changing Trends and Technology

Business trends and technology are changing so quickly that organizations who don’t make it a business priority to learn current trends will soon find themselves at a disadvantage.
This can be overwhelming, and somewhat of a whirlwind, but creating a process to learn and stay current is critical to long term success.

• Having Goals

Writing and implementing business goals is the practical side to achieving vision through strategy. Mapping out a plan on how to take the steps to get to where the organization wants to go is critical to goal attainment. Taking those goals down to the employee level is the next step of the process. Employee goals should be standard for all levels of the organization so employees can see how what they do affects achieving the organization’s vision.

• Understanding Who Their Customers Are and What They Want

It is amazing the number of organizations out there who are in business and don’t have a good grasp on who their customers are and what their customers want from them. All organizations should have a process in place to gain customer perspective from customer comment cards or customer satisfaction surveys, and to take that feedback and turn it into improvement plans.

• Taking Care of Their Employees

Employees are the ones who do the work and interact with the customers. Organizations need to take care of their employees and give them the necessary resources to do their job. Assessing the environment from the employee’s perspective through employee satisfaction surveys and incorporating employee feedback into planning is another critical step organizations should take.

• Having a Good Performance Management Process

Successful organizations have learned the value and importance of good performance management. Employees need to have a good understanding of what is expected of them and how they are accountable for those expectations. Good communication and coaching can help with developmental opportunities for employees and may also identify those employees who may not be the right fit for the organization. Structured communication processes are important and can minimize post-employment litigation if done appropriately.

• Managing Resources

Budgeting and managing business resources is critical to the long-term health of an organization. Taking risks and leveraging assets can quickly turn to disaster as we’ve seen over the last couple of years. Having a consistent budgeting process that lines up with corporate objectives that is managed appropriately is critical. Keeping a watchful eye for employee fraud and data theft is also important in overall business asset management.

• Having Fun

If we are all in this for the long haul, we need to enjoy what we are doing. Doing things intentionally to make the work environment fun and helping employees manage a good work life balance can really contribute to the long-term health of an organization.

~ Thriving Small Business
See this and other newsletter articles at http://amt-mep.org/files/3613/6482/9489/2012-05.pdf

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