Thursday, May 2, 2013

Manufacturers are the Inventors

By Manufacturing & Technology News

Manufacturing might constitute less than 12% of the U.S. GDP, but it accounts for the vast majority of new patent applications and awards.

In 2008, U.S. manufacturing companies submitted almost 70 percent of all patent applications — 95,106 of the total 136,751 applications submitted to the Patent and Trademark Office. Manufacturing companies received 73 percent of all the patents that were issued, or 47,880 patents out of 65,879.

The most active industrial sector was computer and electronic goods, with 40,845 patent applications and 22,135 awards. That one sector alone constituted more than the entire patents awarded to all non-manufacturing industries combined, which applied for 41,645 patents and were awarded only 17,999, according to the National Science Foundation.

"Overall, there was $2.4 million of worldwide R&D expense per patent application in 2008," according to NSF. "This ratio varies widely from industry to industry, but these differences may reflect the relative importance placed on patenting among industries." One in five U.S. businesses with R&D applied for a patent in 2008, says NSF. Small companies had more patents per dollar of R&D than larger companies.

U.S. companies earned $42.1 billion in revenue from patent licenses, with manufacturing industries making up 89 percent of that income ($37.4 billion). Patent licensing revenues were $4.65 billion for non-manufacturing industries.

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