Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Turn Strategy into Action

Competitive Solutions, Inc.

"Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position." - Brian Tracy

Goals provide the focus for organizations to achieve their strategy, but without GOAL ALIGNMENT, employees and departments are disconnected and corporate goals cannot be fully realized.

Employees who understand their individual goals - and how they relate to those of their organization as a whole - will also be more engaged and motivated to play their part within the organization. It is the coordinated, collective efforts of individuals and departments that drive organizational success, as everybody’s energy is harnessed and directed toward common goals.

Employees can only be productive when they know exactly what is expected of them.

Goals that are SMART:
• S - Specific (clearly specify the intended goals)
• M - Measurable (state exactly what the criteria for success will be and how it will be measured)
• A - Attainable (challenging but achievable)
• R - Realistic (employee is willing and able to work towards the goal’s achievement)
• T - Time-bound (clearly defined target date)

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