Kennedy Valve, a manufacturer of fire hydrants and gate valve systems, announces a major achievement in becoming certified to the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems standards. Kennedy Valve received this certification from UL DQS, an ANAB registrar, on September 16. This certification is the culmination of a one year effort under the guidance of AM&T, the Alliance for Manufacturing & Technology. The effort combined hard work, a commitment to top-quality, and the dedication of all their employees.
ISO 9001 is a set of international standard and guidance documents for quality management and quality assurance. The standard represents an international consensus on good management practices, policies and procedures with the aim of ensuring that an organization can, time and time again, deliver a product that meets customer’s requirements.
Kennedy Valve believes that their decision to become ISO 9001:2008 Certified is a proactive one that demonstrates their commitment to providing quality products to their customers. Arne Feyling, VP/GM, emphasizes this, “There was no question for us regarding our decision to pursue ISO 9001 certification. Kennedy Valve was committed to seeing this process through to completion.” With certification, customers can be confident that Kennedy Valve is dedicated to achieving the goal of total customer satisfaction.
To maintain certification, AM&T will be performing periodic internal audits and UL DQS will perform annual surveillance audits to ensure continued compliance and to assess their initiatives for continuous improvement.
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